Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Fucking Talented Musician Fuckers

Yeah, so anyways, I've been going to quite a few music shows lately and I've been noticing one thing, all the guys who can play an instrument are people who definitely don't look like musicians at all.

And the worst part is, some guys are born talented. I mean, they don't have to fucking work hard to learn the guitar or something. It just comes to them. And trust me, you hate it when that happens. When you know you sit your ass down and struggle to learn an instrument and then this guy comes along and in a matter of just a few weeks, he fucking picks up that same instrument and learns to play it real well while your still stuck there trying to figure out Hotel California.

It pisses me off that they don't have to try as hard as I do. I mean really, you should look at some of these buggers who can play the guitar man. They do it so effortlessly. Its like riding a bike for them. Like how you just change gears without even paying attention to it no, like that only. They'll just fucking play without even being bothered about which scale they are on and which note is the fucking root note and all that crap. It just happens.. And I fucking hate it, cause it never happens for me.

I watch all these guys in awe, firstly cause I admire their talent. Secondly cause I can never do the things they do. Sure, they may or may not be able to do the things that I do too, but I hate it that they're talented at playing the instrument and I am not. Simple. It shouldn't be this fucking difficult for me. It should just come easy. Maybe I should go enroll myself for classes somewhere. I've had enough of this Bm - Em - Blah Blah Blah Blah...

Fucking talented mother fuckers.. hate them all.


LadyParadox said...

yeah, i also dont like this. and all my best friends are musicians of some sort. yuck ya! heck, i'm going out with one of those MFs you are talking about. how frustrating should my life be? :( bah! angry is came. now full day self esteem in music is gone...

lets make our cult all about getiing those MFs and stealing their talent and trapping it in a guitar... then when we touch the guitar, we can play it better than jimi uncle. ok, just watched space jam last night... :)

also, i so did not mean that about jimi hendrix uncle. *washes mouth with soap and dettol*

Anonymous said...

Teach me to play the guitar mittu !! I want to be cool and have more than two friends ...

Jax said...

I feel your pain man! When I was struggling with one simple chord change for country roads, my friend was busy shredding for dreamtheater covers. Some people have all the luck and the musical genes.

Anonymous said...

I share your pain. I hate it too.

One time I was being interviewed at school for a guitar club that was going to be started and only 10 people were going to be allowed to join.

I was interviewed and play simple riffs. Unfortunately, I was not chosen. They chose people that didn't even know how to play and 3 people that just knew how to shred on the guitar.

Out of those 10 people, 3 people only stayed. Everyone else just quit the program. Those bastards didn't appreciate and weren't patient enough to learn how to play the guiter. I guess they expected to learn to play real good real fast.

My friend and I really wanted to be one of the students to be chose. But fuck it, they could take their guiter club and shove it up their ass.

We're better off teaching ourself.

silverine said...

hmmm maybe someone looks at your editing skills and says " I hate that talented bugger, this is so easy for him while here I am still trying to learn the spelling of edit" :)) There will be some things that are easy for you while some skills are easy for others to pick up. Sometimes when I hear my friend playing the Piano so well, I wonder why I cannot do the same and then I realise that I can write reasonably while she cannot. Guess we have to be happy with what we are good at. Hope I don't sound preachy lol :))

silverine said...

@the dalda: ROFL

Anonymous said...

aiyo...anything but that @#^%&* 'IN HER SHOES' man!!! kakkaaa means kakka only that is. thuu... how i wanted to choke myself with that corn puffs!

NAWAZ PASHA (The Second One)

dee iyer said...

you must not be angry with those who have talent .. lest you should be happy that god has gifted some of us with music to lift the others souls...
only you should be angry with those yelllow people .. they all have nice hair and nice skin .
now explain to me how that works .. please ...

Anonymous said...

@blue frog:of course u know who i am guldu! how many Second Ones do u know? & about enjoying that movie....ARE U OUT OF YOUR MIND?? & this was the only movie that u HAD to buy balcony tickets for! @$#%%*&!@#

@dr. pissed: ay, guldu khan...i told off kissu that this post is written for him...he he's again all kuiyan!


Anonymous said...

It is better than playing country roads for the rest of your life...